
05 亲近大自然

05 亲近大自然
bob'spany is having a picnic in the suburbs this sunday. all the colleagues look excited for that.
sarah: i love breathing fresh air in the suburbs, while sitting in the morning sunshine. howfortable it is!
bob: yeah, we need to get away from work from time to time and just return to nature to feel the thrills of its beauty.
sue: hey, we have enough to enjoy it. but first we should get everything ready.
sarah: ok, let's find a spot away from the ants and put a blanket on it.
bob: what about here? no crowds and no ants.
sue: good. let's go back to our car and fetch the picnic stuff. i have prepared enough food and drinks.
bob: oh, the sausage, sandwiches,crackers and a dozen of beers.
sue: we also have another bag. there are also a lot of delicious food in it, and the camera. it is very lovely here with all the flowers in bloom. why don't we take a few pictures?
bob: you are right!
1. suburb ['s?b?:b] n. 郊区,市郊
2. from time to time 有时,不时
3. thrill [θril] n. 激动,引起激动的事物;震颤(医学);v.(使)激动,感到紧张
4. spot [sp?t] n. 地点,场所;职位;污点,斑点;少量;adj. 现场的,现货的;插播的
5. crowd [kraud] n. 人群,群众,大群;v. 拥挤,挤满,涌入;贴近
6. sausage ['s?:sid?] n. 香肠,腊肠
7. cracker ['kr?k?] n. 薄脆饼干;发出爆裂声的东西,爆竹
8. in bloom(花)盛开
people love to have a picnic with children or friends when the weather is good enough. it's a great way to spend a sunny day. going picnic is a greatmunity gathering where everyone helps setting up the tents, finding suitable places in the shade, carrying picnic tables or picnic blankets, serving the snacks, heating up food, ensuring that all the glasses are full and the food is enough and everyone has a good time.
climbing mountain is a good way to steel will.
karl: it'll be saturday again tomorrow. do you have any plans this weekend?
jerry: not yet.
karl: what do you think of going climbing together?
jerry: really? i haven't gone climbing for a long time. i think mountain climbing requires a lot of pluck. but i seldom take exercise, i'm afraid i may give up halfway.
karl: i never do anything by halves. i think climbing mountain is an exciting sport and is both a kind of relaxation and a hobby for me. if the weather is good, i'll go climbing with my friends.
jerry: no wonder you are always full of vitality.
karl: you can have a try. and in autumn there are a mountain of red leaves. it'll be very beautiful. you can enjoy the beautiful scene on the top of the mountain.
jerry: ok, i'll go with you.
1. pluck [pl?k] v. 摘,猛拉,拔;拨弹(乐器);n. 猛拉;勇气,决心
2. give up 停止,放弃;(oneself)自首
3. halfway ['hɑ:f'wei] adj. 中途的,不彻底的;adv. 半路地;在……中间;折中地
4. by halves 不完全地,不完善地,半途而废地
5. vitality [vai't?liti] n. 活力,生命力
6. a mountain of 堆积如山的,大量的
qomolangma is the highest peak in the world. its altitude is now about 8844.43 meters. tibetan meaning of “the third goddess” adds more mysterious color and magic power to it. mountaineers run great risks to challenge its high altitude and themon tourists also yearn for a reverent look at this holy peak. climbing mt. everest is very dangerous, so only those who can endure the vile weather and experienced climbers may venture onto its slopes. the area is frequently beset with sudden storms, snow, wind and the weather may change quickly in a day. only the periods between early march and late may, along with early september and late october are suitable for climbing, among which less than 20 days are actually fine. so if you want to climb, you must keep a very close look at the weather changes there.
it's saturday today. with theing of spring,everything is fresh again. susan is eager to ask her colleague maggie to go for a spring outing.now they are in the field.
susan: spring is here. the weather is getting warmer and wamer. look, the trees begin to send forth tender buds. the air is scented with flowers. so beautiful!
maggie: yeah, it's nice to take a walk, without cell phone,puter and the busy life. just the fresh air and the blossoming world.
susan: the cold winter is finally past. it is such a beautiful day. lay down here peacefully and enjoy the nature scene here is a big fun.
maggie: hey, the mighty poet. can you take a picture for me? it is so beautiful here that i want to record the fine scene.
susan: no problem. step forward a little,please. smile…ok, got you.
maggie: thank you. would you like me to take a picture for you?
susan: all right, please.
1. in the fiel 实地,野外;在战地,在作战;在参加比赛
2. send forth 发出
3. bud [b?d] n. 芽,花蕾;v. 发芽,萌芽
4. blossoming ['bl?s?mi?] n. 开花
5. sullenness ['s?l?nnis] n. 愠怒;沉闷,情绪消沉
6. partake [pɑ:'teik] v. 参与;分担,分享
7. rejoicing [ri'd??isi?] n. 欣喜,高兴;欢欣之事
8. mighty ['maiti] adj. 强大的,伟大的;adv. 很,极其
look at the blue sky; hear the grass growing beneath your feet; inhale the scent of spring; let the fruits of the earth linger on your tongue; reach out and embrace those you love. isn't it happy-go-lucky? no matter how long the winter,how hard the frost or how deep the snow, nature triumphs. what a miracle it is!no season is awaited so eagerly as spring…in spring, the soil is full of sunlight,and dye the sunshine red. there is an earthly smell in the air. every spring is the only spring, a perpetual wonder.